Why Don’t CSE Classes Cover Gas Monitor Operation

Confined Space Entry training is required by law. So why do these courses almost never cover the actual use of the gas monitor, the one piece of equipment that keeps the workers safe?

CSE courses are absolutely necessary to provide the definitions and understanding of the dangers involved, and no one should ever go into a manhole without it! But beyond, “Turn it on, use the hose, turn it off,” CSE courses defer to “manufacturer’s recommendation” for this lifesaving equipment.

Are they shirking their responsibility? Of course not. Simply put, it’s because they are not associated with any particular gas monitor manufacturer, and there are way too many to be familiar with.

Gas detector training is a need, not a want. But to get proper training, you need the manufacturer rep or a Gas Monitor Competence Trainer. Manufacturers will typically do training upon the sale. But unless you’re a large buyer of monitors, they are spread too thin to train new hires or provide refreshers for thousands of customers.

Companies that specialize in Gas Monitor Competence Training are the answer. Searchable on Google, they typically charge the cost of one gas detector to train up to 20 workers in about two hours.

We’re biased, but the leader by far is at www.gasmonitorcompetence.com 626-209-9644, who’s been doing training worldwide in four languages since 1999.

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