The World’s Scariest Gas Detector
With today’s technology, most gas detectors do a really good job. But there is one particular gas monitor that is downright frightening. Even with brand new sensors and a full battery, it is wholly unreliable. Trusting it with your life could be your last decision.
Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you… “The Gas Detector that You Think is Working But is Not!”
This monitor is not manufactured by any particular company. It’s an aftermarket downgrade usually performed by someone who maintains the gas monitor fleet. An innocent mistake resulting from incomplete training. Even most user manuals lack adequate instruction to prevent this fearful faux pas.
To avoid this mistake, heed these sage words: “Only clean with a damp cloth!“
Cleaning your gas detector with almost anything else – ArmorAll, WD40, alcohol wipes, Simple Green, 409, etc. – can render your sensors useless. You know how ArmorAll seals your car’s dashboard real good? It does the same thing to the sensors. It will seal them up so well that they will never detect anything again!
HERE’S THE REAL DANGER. When you start up your gas monitor, the sealed sensors can still show up on the screen as existing and operational when, in fact, they are not functioning at all. You can be completely fooled into thinking your monitor is working properly when it’s not! Let that sink in.
How do you avoid this dangerous situation? First, get comprehensive gas monitor training at www.gasmonitorcompetence.com. Second, “Only clean with a damp cloth.“ Third, and most importantly, always perform a bump test before each day’s use. Only a bump test will prove that the monitor is detecting and alarming on all the gases.
Be smart. Be safe.